Young And The Restless Scoop July 23: Sharon Fantasizes About Making Out With Nick – Victor’s Buying Chancellor – Adam Lies To Sally

Young And The Restless: Sharon imagines kissing Nick

Young And The Restless: Sharon imagines kissing Nick

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, July 23 reveals Sharon Newman (Sharon Case) will have a hallucination about Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow).

Also coming up, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) and Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) will get in a little golf practice. Plus, Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will outright lie to Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope). And Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) is buying Chancellor for Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott).

Y&R spoilers tease Billy will bring Lily a gift, a putter. She’ll give him a strange look, but he’ll say it’s how he does his best thinking. Lily will remember he turned his office at Chance Comm into a putting green. She’ll hit a couple of golf balls and say she misses office golf.

“I plan on being partners with you for a long time, Winters,” Billy will say. And he’ll apologize for accusing her of double-crossing him. “You’re a good person, I’m grateful that you are here with me.”  Billy will add that she’s right where she’s supposed to be. “I think so too,” Lily will reply.

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sally Wants Adam To Be Honest With Her

Meanwhile, Sally will tell Adam she’s worried and senses something’s weighing on him. But he’ll say there’s no need to be. “I need you to be honest with me Adam,” Sally will reply. “Is it me, did I do something to upset you?”

Y&R Scoop: Adam lies to Sally about Chelsea

Adam will say she’s not the cause in any way. He’ll tell her she’s done nothing wrong. He’s just been lashing out at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. “It’s Chelsea, I made such a mistake, after Connor’s relapse,” Adam will add. “I was weak, I was so damn weak Sally. I lost it on Chelsea – I treated her horribly.”

Sally will say she saw Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan) earlier and she didn’t mention it. But she’ll tell him she’s glad he opened up to her. He’ll say he’d like to put it behind him, behind them. However, when Sally leaves Adam’s office, she’ll look troubled.

At Sharon’s cottage, she’ll get a text from Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes). “Meeting starts soon,” it’ll say. “On your way back to office?” Then there’ll be a knock on the door and Nick will be standing there. He’ll say he wants to talk about what’s gong on with her.

“I was hoping we could talk about earlier today, with Phyllis,” he’ll add. But Sharon will say once she gets the meds balanced out, she’ll be back to her sweet self again. Nick will tell her he wants to believe her but he’s still concerned.

Sharon will talk about Faith Newman (Reylynn Caster) and how proud she is of her for overcoming what she went through with Cameron Kirsten (Linden Ashby). She’ll tell Nick they’ve weathered a lot of storms. “And right there, at the center of almost every one of them was hurricane Phyllis.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Victor Drops Bombshell On Nikki

But Nick will say Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) is not to blame for everything that went wrong with them. Sharon will admit she’s been thinking about Cassie a lot lately, so it’s easy for her to direct her anger at Phyllis. “We’re coming on 20 years since we lost her,” Nick will say. Then he’ll get a text. “My father beckons,” he’ll tell Sharon.

Y&R Scoop: Victor reveals his plan to Nikki

At Newman Enterprises, Victor will ask what Nikki and Victoria are up to. Victoria will say they want total assurance that Newman Media will go back to Nikki when she wants to return. “Adam isn’t going anywhere,” Nikki will say. “You’re going to let him keep my job.”

But Victor will remind Nikki she agreed to let go of Newman Media. Nikki will say she spoke with Adam, who is also concerned. “We just need clarification,” Victoria will say to Victor. Nikki will tell him she’s certainly not going to work with Adam.

Victor will say they’re forcing his hand, so he’ll tell them everything. But first, he wants Adam and Nick there. Adam will arrive and Victor will tell him he’s the new CEO of Newman Media. “For how long?” he’ll ask. “Permanently,” Victor will reply. Needless to say, Nikki will flip out. “How could you do this to me?” she’ll ask her husband.

Then Nick will show up and Victor will tell his family what’s going on. “I’m in the process of acquiring a company that’s almost as big as ours, and it is yours,” he’ll tell Nikki. “You are about to take control of Chancellor Industries.”

Finally, Sharon will space out as she’s staring at her laptop. There’ll be another knock on the door and she’ll see Nick standing there again. She’ll ask if he forgot something, and he’ll take her in his arms and kiss her. But will Sharon realize it’s just an illusion, or will she believe it really happened?

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